Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Functional Fitness Solution

Linda Corbin
I retired in July of 2011. I am loving retirement , but I also knew that I needed to keep busy. Now it is time to do some things I wanted to, but never took the time.

Probably 75% of people make a resolution to get in shape by eating healthy and exercising more, in January 2012, I decided to do the same.

I joined Miracles Fitness and to my surprise I really loved it. I have dieted and exercised on and off my whole life (more off than on in the last 20 years).

The trainers are absolutely awesome! I look forward to going and working out. These are words that I never thought would come out of my mouth! The workouts have encouraged me to watch my food intake as well.

One of the things I was really determined to do was, as that “65″ came closer and closer, to not be on a bunch of pills. It seems like you start on one medication and more just keep getting added. My blood pressure was borderline 148/78. I have been a member for just three short months and it is down to 120/80.

I would be the last person in the world to say I can’t miss my workout and now I am thrilled to say it and totally mean every word.

Now I arrange my schedule, for the most part, around my workout times. I have earned it and I want to be able to continue to be healthy.

As mothers and grandomothers, we have a right to be selfish and take this time for ourselves… everyone benefits! Miracles is a good name for the fitness center because I truly think it is a Miracle that is has become such a big part of my life! ... 

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