Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Amputee beautiful girl actual perfection :

Acting Role Where Anita Hollander Offered to Lose Her Leg in the Second Act (Part4)
Susan Dansby: Yes, how did you get that job?

Anita Hollander: It's one of my favorite stories because I had sung many times at [New York University] for the musical theater writers, where they bring in professional singers and actors to present the project that the writers are working on. And these two women, a composer and a lyricist, had had me come in and sing some stuff with Cass Morgan - another wonderful musical theatre person.

Then, a couple of years went by, and I got a phone call from these two people - this composer and lyricist team - who said, "We'd love you to do a reading of our new musical. It's going to be down in Maryland (I live in New York City). So we'd bring you down if you're interested. You know, you're just so perfect, we'd like you to do this and it's this wonderful story of the dance hall girl who gets shot, and she runs away from Oklahoma to go to South Dakota, and she loses her leg. It's an extraordinary true story of the West.

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