Monday, February 11, 2019

People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo) :

In this post we will address congenital malformations, a problem that occurs during the development of the fetus within the mother's womb. Most birth defects occur during the first trimester of pregnancy.

It may include a defect in the shape of the child's body, a defect in the body's functions, or both. It can be discovered before birth, at birth, that the causes and sources of congenital malformations may be hereditary or due to a non-hereditary event before birth.
I present you with a total of images of people suffering from congenital malformations
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)
People with strange congenital malformations (14 photo)

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