Tuesday, March 19, 2019

2. School shootings:

2. School shootings
1. Hate crimes:
2. School shootings: 
Shouldn't common sense, tell us, although, it's true, guns don't kill, but people do, the reality is, people with guns, commit the lethal crimes? How many more, have to die, before we take actions, to preserve the safety, needed? It seems, when these atrocities occur, the politicians, send, Prayers and best wishes, when, what's needed, is sane policy?

After all these shootings, they still haven't passed, even some minimal legislation, including keeping guns out of the hands, of mentally unstable individuals, etc. Isn't it strange, we register our cars, and must pass driving tests, and have automobile insurance, this isn't required from gun owners? How many more, must die, before we do something?

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