Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Fixing American Health Care: Solutions, Instead Of Rhetoric! (Part 3) :

4. Controlling health insurance costs: Health insurance rates, have been rising, on a constant basis, and, because, the cronies of President Trump, have eliminated the mandate, to purchase insurance, etc, the result has been, the youngest and healthiest Americans, have often, opted - out. The impact of this, has been, increased rates and costs. Some politicians have promised and promoted, what they refer to, either as Universal Health Care, or Medicare for All, while ignoring, some of the factors, which would need to be considered, or factored - in. For example, there are issues, with the original, Medicare, including, the costs, paying into this (all our working lives), the continuous, ongoing co - payments (presently about $135 per month), and the fact, it doesn't cover, everything (in fact, it covers about 80%). Individuals must purchase supplemental insurance, if they wish to be covered, and the most popular, of these, now costs, approximately, $4,000, per year, per person. Although, many physicians, are willing to accept, the lower payment schedule, because it only represents a portion of their patients, there is, some question, whether a large, enough, number, would accept this, for their entire practice.

5. Use Universal Insurance, to compete: If the Medicare for All, approach, were implemented, what would happen, to the insurance companies, and their hundreds of thousands of employees? Recently, the public has been informed, of the financial weaknesses, the program faces! If this public option, was a component, and/ or, option, it might increase competition, and if, the politicians, focused on doing the right thing, and what's needed, and necessary, instead of, politically expedient, the system might, actually, improve!

Wake up, America, and demand, your public officials, focus on realities, and viable solutions, instead of, merely, using lip - service, empty promises, and rhetoric! Fixing this, in a quality way, will require, fully considering the options and alternatives, thinking, outside - the - box, and making some tough, but necessary decisions!

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