Friday, February 5, 2021

AAFL - Another American Football League (Part 2) :

AAFL - Another American Football League (Part 2)

👉 AAFL - Another American Football League (Part 1)

AAFL - Another American Football League (Part 2) :

 Will it work?

A lot of leagues have come and gone. The problem is that it costs a lot to run and maintain a football league. There are player and executive salaries, stadium leases and television contracts just for starters. The AAFL is a for-profit league and if it cannot operate at a profit, it won't stay around for very long. It is worth noting that the AAFL will not benefit from concession sales the way some professional teams do to boost their profits because concessions at the games will be operated by and for the host stadium. For what it's worth, beer will not be available.

Another hurdle the league faces is keeping the costs to fans down. Ticket prices for pro sports are a big turnoff, and the AAFL will have to find a way to keep ticket prices affordable and attractive. Ticket prices have been announced to be around $13 and there will be a big push for locals to buy "memberships" which gives them special perks such as VIP parking and special screenings of out-of-town games.

The AAFL has said it will televise games nationally, but there's nationally televised coverage and then there's national television. Just ask the NHL who are effectively buried on Versus, a channel that most people have never heard of.

The league can get a huge boost if the quality of the game play is high. Then, it stands a good chance of making it past the first season.

The real question is whether or not the AAFL model can work by staying local, and whether it even needs the support of a national fanbase. And you might also be asking, why bother at all? Is there really a void in the world of American football that is served by a new league? The AAFL thinks so. If not, it will be just another football league that comes and goes in the blink of a season.

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