Friday, December 31, 2021

Look Good and Feel Good Inside Out Through Yoga :

Look Good and Feel Good Inside Out Through Yoga
It's not for women only. It's not a religion. And it's not something you should leave out of your fitness program. More than 20 million in the United States now practice yoga and it's considered one of the top ten commonly used complementary-alternative medicine therapies. Americans spend more than $2.95 billion on yoga classes and related yoga products and with good reason-it leads to a hosts of fitness benefits from increase flexibility to better strength and stamina.

Even more, yoga's best kept secret is what is does to your physiology and mental well-being. Have you ever wondered why people still struggle with body image after weight loss or why successful bodybuilders still think that they are small? Yoga picks up where traditional fitness programs lack-creating a sense of mindfulness and mental well-being. While lifting weights can create bigger biceps, yoga can give you bigger biceps and help you become mindful of your life outside of the gym: your eating habits, how you respond to stress and what emotional baggage you carry and how to unload it in a positive manner. It's the best of both worlds!

Getting started in yoga is easy. It requires no fancy equipment and it's a practice that can be done anywhere and at anytime. Invest in a quality ¼" yoga mat which cushions the joints and body and prevents slipping in poses.

A Complete Yoga Practice:

  1.     Sun Salutation: The 12-position series increases circulation, takes the muscles and joints through a full range of motion and tones the entire body. Beginners should start with 2-3 rounds and work up to 10-12 rounds. Stand tall like a mountain with the hands in prayer position at the chest. Take this time to set your intent and become fully focused on your breathing for 2-3 minutes
  2.     Inhale. Bring the arms up, palms facing as they reach toward the sky
  3.     Exhale. Bend forward at the hips, bending the knees slightly while bringing the hands flat to the ground
  4.     Inhale. Flatten the back, bringing the fingertips to the floor or legs
  5.     Exhale. Position the hands flat on the ground, stepping the legs into a high push-up position
  6.     Inhale. Recreate the mountain pose, balancing on the hands and toes. Modify, if needed, by balancing on the knees instead of the toes
  7.     Exhale. Lower the body down into a low push-up position, drawing the elbows back toward the feet
  8.     Inhale. Lift the upper torso away from the ground like a snake, pressing the legs into the ground
  9.     Exhale. Walk the feet flat and lift the hips to the sky, keeping the hands on the ground and drawing the chest toward the legs. Hold 30 seconds.
  10.     Inhale. Bend the knees and walk both feet to the hands, extending the chest away from the legs (picture 9).
  11.     Exhale. Bend forward at the hips, bending the knees slightly while bringing the hands flat to the ground
  12.     Inhale. Bring the arms out to the side and come to standing with the palms facing as they reach toward the sky.
  13.     Exhale. Draw the hands back to the heart, standing tall like a mountain with the hands in prayer position at the chest.
  1.     Boat Pose: Firms the abs and back muscles while improving posture. Start in a seated position with the feet resting on the mat. With the knees bent, lift the feet from the earth. Optional extend the lower legs parallel to the earth or fully extend the legs. Hold 30 seconds and repeat.
  2.     Chair Pose: Tones the thighs and butt. From standing drops the hips back over the heels bending the knees. Swing the arms forward and up to the sky. Hold 30 seconds and repeat.
  3.     Sitting Meditation and Breathing: Increases mental clarity, emotional well-being and compassion. Assume a comfortable sitting position. Become still, focus on your breath and draw your awareness inward. Thoughts may come and go but do not attach to them. Continue to observe the breath for 3-10 minutes.
  4.     Corpse Pose: Rebalances the nervous system, reduces stress hormone production and rejuvenates the body. Lie in a relaxed position on the back and elevate the legs for back support optionally with a blanket or pillow. Allow the entire body to become fully relaxed. Hold for 3-10 minutes. Corpse pose is considered by yogis the most important pose of all. That's right! Doing nothing, as it seems, helps restore the body and reduce stress hormones that cause abdominal fat and immune disorders!

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