Friday, June 7, 2024

Trump still leads Biden in polls, despite sham guilty verdict's impact.

Trump still leads Biden in polls, despite sham guilty verdict's impact.

In recent polls, former President Donald Trump is still leading President Joe Biden, even after a controversial guilty verdict in a New York case. This development suggests that the public perceives the legal actions against Trump as politically motivated. According to a national survey by Emerson College Polling, Trump's support has remained steady. In a direct match-up, Trump garners 46% support compared to Biden's 45%, with 9% of voters undecided. When undecided voters are asked to lean towards a candidate, the race becomes a 50-50 split.

Interestingly, the inclusion of third-party candidates affects Biden more adversely than Trump, widening the gap in Trump's favor. These results indicate that the legal battles facing Trump have not significantly dented his political support, and in some cases, may have even solidified his base, while posing a challenge for Biden’s campaign.

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